Aging happens, but with the right skin care regimen and an aggressive approach to sun protection, there are ways to limit the lines and wrinkles on your skin.
*Apply face cream with SPF. Or a finishing powder with SPF.
Sunscreen absorbs or reflects some of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin exposed to sunlight and thus helps protect against sunburn/damaged skin.
*Apply antioxidant cream.
An antioxidant cream can help rejuvenate tired looking skin and bring back the vitality your appearance may have lost due to the natural signs of aging.
*Don't smoke.
Smoking cretates all these free radials resulting in damage skin. Pursing your lips when smoking causes lines and wirnkles around the mouth.
*Take multivitamins, antioxidants, eat your fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water.
A balanced diet with the right nutrients and antioxidents will help restore aging skin.
*Apply retinoid at night.
Derive from Vitamin A, retinoids unclog pores, boost collagen to reduce fine lines, and speed cell turnover to even out discoloration and smooth the skin. Retinoid are extremely potent to your skin.
Next Week's guide will cover on How to use retinoids.
Hope you enjoy these great tips!